Heights of the peak Lenin
But the top of the mountain is not always visible, as it is covered by clouds. Guests of the country on tours in Kyrgyzstan can explore Lenin Peak, which is located in the Osh region in the south of the country. In our tours in Kyrgyzstan, our clients will be able to explore the facts about the country, as well as enjoy the views of nature, explore the road and the borders with Tajikistan. The height of the peak is 7134 m. You will be able to explore the peak area during the tour and also rent a car for tours in Kyrgyzstan.
In tours of Kyrgyzstan, you can find out that the weather in the country is changeable due to the altitude. And the higher the altitude, the lower the temperature. The one who first discovered and studied the mountain was A. P. Fedchenko, who was able to travel around the country in 1871. The peak was named in the past Kaufman Peak, which was given to it in honor of the Soviet leader and ruler. And now the peak is also associated with the name of the first Soviet leader.
Exploring Kyrgyzstan in tours, you can find out that in 1929, the first ascent of the peak was made, but then, unfortunately, not all participants were able to reach the top of the peak. After that, the campaign was repeated by the Soviet Red Army, when the members were able to conquer the peak and install a monument dedicated to Lenin on the top. A little later, events show that in 1967, 301 expedition was able to conquer the peak in the jubilee. And this trip gave people to learn about 16 possible existing routes to climb the peak.
Guests of the country on tours in Kyrgyzstan will be able to explore a lot of facts about the mountains, and that they can be dangerous. You will be able to rent a car for comfort on tours around Kyrgyzstan to enjoy all kinds of beautiful nature. In the mountains, when climbing the peak, the weather can be unpredictable, and guests need to know the secrets to be safe. When climbing the peak in 1974, there were tragic events, as a team of women was caught off guard by a storm. A little later in 1991, a team of 44 people were captured by an earthquake.