Car Rent for you

In case you are planning to make a visit to Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan or Tajikistan, or if you are just thinking about such possibility, our car rent company is glad to help you! Our car rent company is one of the most responsible and honest auto renting organizations throughout the Central Asia - the region, where above-stated countries are situated. We have branches in the most important and developed cities of this region, particularly in the cities of Almaty, Bishkek and Dushanbe. Almaty is the largest city of Kazakhstan. In case you start travelling from this point, you will really enjoy the start, because this city has irresistible charm and a wonderful atmosphere. It is an oasis of civilization in the middle of the wild steppes of Central Asia. The airport is situated just 13 kilometers from the center of the city, so you will quickly get to our car rent office and choose any auto among the cars for rent we are offering to you.

Actually you can start choosing the cars for rent from now by visiting the official webpage of our car rent company. there you will see the full list of the cars for rent with the detailed description and stated prices. All prices are very reasonable and spare, so you will not spend all of your money on auto. If you arrive in Bishkek or Dushanbe, the procedure of renting an auto will be the same as in Almaty, so you will not spend a lot of time on completing the procedure of car renting. In addition, the terms are extremely easy - they include only the age and presence of the passport and driving license. So visit Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan or Tajikistan and enjoy the life!